Saturday, July 7, 2018

San Fu Tie - Prime of Summer Moxa & Moxibustion

I had a blogpost a few years back introducing moxibustion, yet through recent conversations with my friends, many of them - including native Chinese friends, have not heard of this 5000-year time tested method. So for ease of learning, I put a few videos here that provide a good introduction to moxibustion, hope you will enjoy them 😊

Moxibustion is more than just using moxa! The word we commonly translate as moxibustion is jiu (灸) in Chinese, and this word actually refers to a wide variety of heat therapies. One method of “moxibustion” that doesn’t burn mugwort leaf is San Fu Moxibustion (三伏灸).
San Fu Moxibusion is a classical method of preventive healthcare that dates back about 300 years in China. During the three most Yang days of the year (chosen based on the traditional Chinese calendar), physicians applied a special type of mustard plaster made with additional Chinese herbs to special acupuncture points on the back (the Back Shu Points). Plasters are then left in place for several hours, and the treatment repeated each of those 3 days. Originally this method was used to treat asthma or other chronic respiratory tract problems such as coughing, sinusitis, etc… It was also traditionally though to prevent colds and flus (and other upper respiratory tract problems) in the following winter. San Fu Moxibustion is therefore what is known as a special method of treating Winter disease during Summer (冬病夏治).

Acupuncture (针) & Moxibustion (灸):


From a practitioner in NYC: 

CCTV English Channel: 

Another individual practitioner’s video:

As for San Fu Moxa (三伏灸),  here's another brief introduction:

What is San Fu Moxa?

San Fu Moxibustion, also referred to as San Fu Moxa, is a Chinese herbal remedy for treatment of respiratory illnesses, and can be used for the treatment of asthma, allergies, and infections. Along with respiratory ailments such as asthma, allergies, and colds, San Fu Moxibustion can also be used in the treatment of some severe conditions, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Other non-respiratory ailments, like arthritis, numbness  and facial paralysis, can be treated with San Fu Moxibustion.
Treatment involves the external application of an herbal paste to specific acu points on the body. This special treatment requires three applications per year, during the hottest, most Yang days of the year, but benefits patients year round. In addition to treating existing respiratory ailments, it can also be used as an effective preventative treatment for colds and flus. Studies have shown that administration of San Fu Moxibustion treatment for three years in a row has a compounded and long-lasting benefit.

Why are treatments only offered in the summer?

San Fu Moxibustion treatments are only offered in the summer, because it is season-specific treatment. It is performed in mid summer, because it is the hottest, most Yang time of the year, and administering treatment during this very Yang period is vital to the efficacy of treatment.

Chinese version of San Fu Moxa:






      / 哪些人可以尝试艾灸?/
               - 寒性体质的人 -


湿气重,长期吹空调的人 -



易受寒、易腹泻、怕冷人群 -



伏  前  灸---6月25日—7月16日
初伏 10 天---7月17日—7月26日
中伏 20 天---7月27日—8月15日
末伏 10 天---8月16日—8月25日

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